These are the results from my own video card. I have an Intel i80486 DX2 running at 66.67 (67) Mhz. My graphics card is a VLB Chips & Technologies DSP64300 card with 1M DRAM installed. The VESA Local Bus is running at 33 Mhz. VIDBLITZ v1.30 - A MAGE Utility - (C) Fabian Gonzalez, 1994 1024 x 4096 doublewords = 16 megabytes were read from video memory Timing results: 140 frames, 2.00 seconds Megabytes per second : 8.00 Kilobytes per frame : 117.03 Frames per 16 kilobytes : 0.14 CPU clocks per read : 31.79 1024 x 16384 doublewords = 64 megabytes were written to video memory Timing results: 177 frames, 2.53 seconds Megabytes per second : 25.31 Kilobytes per frame : 370.26 Frames per 64 kilobytes : 0.17 CPU clocks per write : 10.05